فیلتر بر اساس:

مرتب سازی بر اساس تاریخ
تعداد موارد: ۱۱۵

Strategic Planning of Internationalization in the Legal Infrastructure of Iranian Universities: Aligning Faculty Promotion Regulations with Global Standards

A Guidebook to Internationalizing Iranian Universities

مجلات خارجی 2024 April Volume (1) No (1) Pages (69-132)

Twinning Literature and Anthropology: A Proposed Theoretical Framework for Litero-Anthropological Research via Exemplary Person, Value Formation and the Good Life

Critical Literary Studies

مجلات خارجی 2023 May Volume (7) No (2) Pages (1-27)

The Plight of Godlessness in Eastern and Western Literature: A Comparative Reading of Absurdity in Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and Al-Hakim’s The Tree Climber

Religious Inquiries

مجلات خارجی 2023 January Volume (11) No (2) Pages (251-267)

تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی نقش زنان در سیاست‌های توسعه ای بعد از انقلاب اسلامی ایران

مطالعات اجتماعی روان شناختی زنان

مجلات خارجی 2022 September Volume (20) No (3) Pages (58-73)

مروری نظام مند بر رویکردهای نظری سکشوالیته

علوم اجتماعی

مجلات خارجی 2022 April

Postcolonial Cinematic Adaptation, Mimicry, or Indigenization? Miller’s Death of a Salesman in Farhadi’s Salesman

پژوهش ادبیات معاصر جهان - Research in Contemporary World Literature

مجلات خارجی 2022 March Volume (26) No (2) Pages (454-485)

Stereotypes on Iranian Silver Screen: The Case of Farhadi’s The Salesman from a Neo-Orientalist Perspective

رسانه و فرهنگ

مجلات خارجی 2022 January Volume (11) No (2) Pages (10-23)

Iranian Cinema in Postmodern Costume: How Ghanizadeh’s Maskhareh-baz/ A Hairy Tale (2019) Approaches Postmodern Art

Persian Literary Studies Journal

مجلات خارجی 2022 January Volume (8) No (14) Pages (1-18)

Voicing the Marginalized in Rowling’s Harry Potter Series: How Book Illustrations Echo Thematic Postcolonial Spatiality

Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Filologie

مجلات خارجی 2021 January Volume (31) No (2) Pages (74-96)


European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies

مجلات خارجی 2020 December Volume (8) No (8) Pages (1-19)

Hollywood Dubliners Becomes Personal: Joyce’s Gabriel Morphs to John Huston in The Dead

Cogent Arts and Humanities

مجلات خارجی 2020 November Volume (7) No (1) Pages (1-12)

A Museum of Adaptation and the Cinema of Iranian Diaspora

Persian Literary Studies Journal

مجلات خارجی 2020 September Volume (7) No (11) Pages (1-3)

When British and Arab Novelists Teach Feminism: A Comparative Reading of Wollstonecraft’s and El Saadawi’s Views

Forum for World Literature Studies

مجلات خارجی 2020 September Volume (12) No (3) Pages (497-514)

To Judge a Book by its Cover: Religio-Cultural Myth on the Cover of Iranian War Literature

Journal of Literary Studies

مجلات خارجی 2020 April Volume (36) No (2) Pages (49-66)

Recasting James Bond in Iran: The Voice of Masculinity at the Cost of Silencing Women

Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Filologie

مجلات خارجی 2020 February Volume (30) No (1) Pages (208-226)

Gendered Narrative in Female War Literature: Helen Benedict’s Sand Queen


مجلات خارجی 2020 January Volume (18) Pages (1-21)

When Literature and Religion Intertwine: Rostam as a Pre-Historic Iranian Hero or the Shi’itic Missionary?

Forum for World Literature Studies

مجلات خارجی 2019 July Volume (11) No (2) Pages (242-261)

As Rumi Travels along the Silk Road in Feminist Costume: Shafak’s The Forty Rules of Love

Acta Via Serica

مجلات خارجی 2019 June Volume (4) No (1) Pages (71-86)

Being Muslim in Central Asia: Practices, Politics, and Identities.

Acta Via Serica

مجلات خارجی 2019 June Volume (4) No (1) Pages (147-169)

Ideology Behind the Covers of the Bestselling Books in Iran: Female Narrators in War Literature

Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies

مجلات خارجی 2019 April Volume (40) No (1) Pages (146-175)

The Thousand and One Nights and Twentieth-Century Fiction: Intertextual Readings

Acta Via Serica

مجلات خارجی 2018 December Volume (3) No (2) Pages (199-203)

From Visual to Imagined Level of Images in Comics: Representation of Marjane in Persepolis

جهانی رسانه

مجلات خارجی 2018 December Volume (13) No (11) Pages (207-227)

Iranian Advertisements: A Postcolonial Semiotic Reading

Kasetsart Journal - Social Sciences

مجلات خارجی 2018 September Volume (39) No (2) Pages (334-342)

Homi Bhabha and Iranian-American Literature of Diaspora: Is Firoozeh Dumas’s Funny in Farsi Postcolonially Funny?

Forum for World Literature Studies

مجلات خارجی 2017 November Volume (9) No (3) Pages (489-504)

Reading the Adaption of Baba Sobhan’s Tale through the Lens of Genette’s Intertextuality

ادبیات پارسی معاصر

مجلات خارجی 2017 September Volume (7) No (2) Pages (51-81)

Governmental Discourses in Advertising on Iran's State

CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture

مجلات خارجی 2017 September Volume (19) No (3) Pages (2-9)

The Surrealist Dialogue between Kafka and Hedayat: A Comparative Reading of Country Doctor and Three Drops of Blood

IUP Journal of English Studies

مجلات خارجی 2017 September Volume (12) No (2) Pages (90-108)

Women Entrapment and Flight in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Alicante Journal of English Studies / Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses

مجلات خارجی 2017 July Volume (29) No (29) Pages (113-129)

The Music of Central Asia

Acta Via Serica

مجلات خارجی 2017 June Volume (2) No (2) Pages (121-143)

When Shakespeare travels along the silk road: Tardid, an Iranian Adaptation of Hamlet

Acta Via Serica

مجلات خارجی 2017 June Volume (2) No (2) Pages (65-84)

Shakespeare Tragedies Recontextualized as Comedies in Iran State TV Sitcom, Kolah Ghermezī

Forum for World Literature Studies

مجلات خارجی 2016 December Volume (8) No (4) Pages (572-689)

Intertextual Dystopia of A Scanner Darkly: Philip K Dick’s Novel and Richard Linklater’s Movie Adaptation

IUP Journal of English Studies

مجلات خارجی 2016 September Volume (11) No (3) Pages (24-39)

Yeats’s Redefinition of Poetic Self in Nature Symbolism

Epiphany: Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies

مجلات خارجی 2016 August Volume (9) No (1) Pages (25-31)

Anxious Masculinity: A Comparative Study of Philip Dick’s Scanner Darkly and Richard Linklater’s Adaptation

Forum for World Literature Studies

مجلات خارجی 2016 June Volume (8) No (2) Pages (333-350)

Yeats’s Archetypal Eternity in The Wild Swans At Coole

Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Filologie

مجلات خارجی 2016 May Volume (27) No (2) Pages (13-21)

Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar: a Mirror of American Fifties


مجلات خارجی 2015 December Volume (17) No (2) Pages (64-70)

Desperate Housewives in Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Filologie

مجلات خارجی 2015 April Volume (15) No (1) Pages (12-22)

New Comparative Literature and Literary Adaptation: Williams’s Glass Menagerie and Tavakoli’s Here without Me

نامه فرهنگستان

مجلات خارجی 2014 January Volume (7) No (1) Pages (10-43)

Tennessee Williams in the 50s: A Mirror of Competing Discourses


مجلات خارجی 2013 May Volume (14) No (2) Pages (75-80)

Approche écopoétique de la littérature de jeunesse persane , Cas d’étude : Les Intelligents de la Planète d\\\\\\\'Orak de Fariba Kalhor

مطالعات زبان فرانسه- Revue des Études de la Langue Française

مجلات خارجی 2019 December Volume (11) No (21) Pages (94-108)

Bronte’s Jane Eyre in Egyptian Cinema: Hilmy’s Adaptation as The Man I Love

The First International Conference on Comparative Research in Fiction

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2024-02-20

The Traumatized Identity of Women in War: A Comparative Reading of Kachachi’s The American Granddaughter and Benedict’s Sand Queen

The First International Conference on Comparative Research in Fiction

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2024-02-20

The Taming of the Unruly Arab Shrew: El-Degheidy Reframes Shakespeare’s Comedy for the Arab Screen

The Thirteenth National Conference on Textual Research

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2023-06-26

The Lonely Heroines Pressed into Margins: El Saadawi’s Love in the Kingdom of Oil and Rum’s A Woman is No Man

The Thirteenth National Conference on Textual Research

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2023-06-26

How To Teach Feminism as an Arab-American Woman: Rum’s A Woman is No Man (2019)

The Second National Conference on Comparative Literature: Persian, Arabic and English Literature

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2023-03-14

From America to Egypt: Transcoding and Indigenizing Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? into Sami’s The End

The Third National Conference on Performing and Digital Arts

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2022-10-09

Greenblatt Meets Foucault in Movies and Comics: The 1980s America Resonated in the 2010s America and Lebanon via the Character of Joker

The Third National Conference on Performing and Digital Arts

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2022-06-07

American Science Fiction Echoed in Arab Sci-Fi Movie Adaptation: When History and Theory Connect Adaptation Studies to Intertextuality

4th Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2022-05-17

Promoting Peace by Althusserian and Foucauldian Reading of Literature: Sinan Antoon’s I’jaam

The First National Conference on New Perspectives in Interpreting and Translation Studies and Teaching English as a Foreign Language

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2021-09-15

Twinning Existentialism and Feminism: The Intersection of Philosophy and Social Science in Literary Criticism

The First National Conference on New Perspectives in Interpreting and Translation Studies and Teaching English as a Foreign Language

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2021-09-15

Binary Pairs of Yin/ Yang and Body / Soul in Xiao Yao’s Chaotic Sword God

First National Conference on Recent Developments in English Language Teaching, Literature and Translation

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2021-05-19

As Narrative Travels from Literature to Video Game: Digital Narrative, Interactivity, Characters and Game Space in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

First National Conference on Recent Developments in English Language Teaching, Literature and Translation

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2021-05-19

Postmodernism and Popular Video Games: Interactive Narrative in Inside (2016), Metal Gear Solid (2015), Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (2011), Detroit: Become Human (2018)

The 6th International Conference on Computer Games; Challenges and Opportunities (CGCO2021)

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2021-02-18

Representing Post-Colonialism through Visual Arts: From Bhabha to Kress and Van Leeuwen

The 8th National Conference of Literary Theory and Criticism

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2020-10-14

Muslimness in the United States and Spaces of Individual Identity: Scrutinizing Mattu and Maznavi’s American Muslim Characters

The 8th National Conference of Literary Theory and Criticism

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2020-10-14

Twinning Comparative Literature and Arab Diaspora

8th National Congress of New Finds in English Language Studies

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2020-09-21

Studying Robots’ Capability in Loving and Being Loved in Science Fiction

8th National Congress of New Finds in English Language Studies

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2020-09-21

When American Dramatists come from Hollywood to Iranian Cinema: Socio-Semiotic Exchange in Literary Adaptation

National Conference on Applied Research on Language Studies, 7th سخنران کلیدی

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2019-12-12

How America and Iran Meet in Transnational Space: Literary Adaptations of American Dramatists in Post -9/11 Iran

American Comparative Literature Association

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2019-03-07

From Foucault to Postcolonialism: New Outlook into the Middle East

The Fifth National Conference on English Studies and Linguistics

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2019-01-31

Rumi’s Message of All-embracing Love and Tolerance: A Case Study of Rumi’s Values and Their Role as ResourceCultures for the Achievement of a Good Life

Values and Valuation: Identifying Resources and the Quest for the Good Life

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2018-12-01

Value Contextualization in the Road of Translation: The Conference of the Birds in Circulation between Iran and the West

Values and Valuation: Identifying Resources and the Quest for the Good Life

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2018-12-01

The Conference of the Birds Meets Good Life


کنفرانس های خارجی | 2018-06-25

Contemporary Reception of Rumi in the West as a Resource in Creating Space for Pluralism and the Promotion of the Good Life


کنفرانس های خارجی | 2018-06-25

A comparative Study of al-Jawahiri Tigris the Donor of Walfar and Mattawa Date Palm Trinity

The Fourth National Coference on English Studies and Linguistics

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2018-02-02

Arabic Poetry through The Lens of Comparative Literature: The Literature of Iraq and Libya

The Second International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics,

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2018-02-01

Analysis of the Main Character Disrupted World in Wings by Arthur Kopit:A Postmodern Approach

The Fourth National Coference on English Studies and Linguistics

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2018-02-01

Towards a Theory of Adaptation

The Second International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2018-02-01

Towards A Theory of Comparative Literature: From West To The Arab World

The Second International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2018-02-01

From Gothic Fiction to Video Games: Batman: Arkham Knight the Gothic Hero

LTLTS3- Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies )

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2017-10-24

Examining Black Women's Resistance Voice in Maya Angelou's All God's Children Need Travelling Shoes

LTLTS3- Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies )

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2017-10-24

Challenging Cultural Identity: The Role of Graphic Novels in Representing Local Identity in Worldwide Context

The Third International Conference On Contemporary Linguistics With Emphasis On New Dimensions Of Knowledge And Language

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2017-08-27

Emotional Detachment in Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf: An Adlerian psychoanalysis

نخستین همایش ملی پژوهشهای نوین میان رشته ای و کاربردی در علوم انسانی

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2017-07-21

Heros in Modern Verse Drama of England and Egypt: The Similarities of Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral and al-Sharqawi’s al-Husayn Revolutionary and Martyr

نخستین همایش ملی پژو ش های نوین میان رشته ای و کاربردی در علوم انسانی

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2017-06-24

A Victim or a Victimizer: A Study of Disintegration in Mustaf\'s Character in Tayeb Salih\'s Season of Migration to the North

دومین کنفرانس بین المللی ادبیات و زبان شناسی

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2017-06-23

A Comparative Study of the Modern and Lower Class Woman in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and Mahfouz's Midaq Ally

The International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics2-3 February 2017, Iran-Ahwaz

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2017-02-02

Delineating Female Characters in Wollstonecraft’s Maria and El Saadawi’s Woman at Point Zero: A Comparative Study

The International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics2-3 February 2017, Iran-Ahwaz

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2017-02-02


The International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics2-3 February 2017, Iran-Ahwaz

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2017-02-02

Propagating Feminism: A Comparative Perspective of Western and Eastern Feminism in Wollstonecraft’s Maria and El Saadawi’sWoman at Point Zero


کنفرانس های خارجی | 2017-01-05

A comparative study of hamlet and haider as its indian adaptation by vishal bhardwaj: An intertextual Approach

چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی مطالعات زبان

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-11-25

A comparative study of hamlet and haideras its indian adaptation by vishal bhardwaj

اولین کنفرانس ملی زبان ومطالعات آموزشی

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-11-10

Western Cannon in Iranian Popular Culture

The XXIst Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-07-21

The Rise or the Fall of Padideh Empire?

The XXIst Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-07-21

Shakespeare Retold by Iranians in the Popular State TV Sitcom

The XXIst Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-07-21

The Rivalry of Reinforcing and Subversive Discourse in Iranian Hit Singles

The XXIst Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-07-21

The impact of the Iranian media on shifting the meaning of Arba’een March

German - Iranian Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Methods and Tertiary Education

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-07-11

Pilgrimage versus stereotype: Forging new links between

German - Iranian Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Methods and Tertiary Education

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-07-11

Iran Is Not As It Is Told: Contemporary Persian Art and Culture

American Comparative Literature Association ACLA

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-03-17

The Bridge between Popular and Elite Iran: Mahmoud Farshchian’s Painting

American Comparative Literature Association ACLA

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-03-17

Da: The Honor of Popularity and Authenticity

American Comparative Literature Association ACLA

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-03-17

Naming and Nominalization in Hamlet and Tardid: A Stylistics Analysis

اولین همایش بینارشته ای ادبیات و سینما

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-02-19

Iran Is Not As It Is Told: Contemporary Persian Art and Culture

American Comparative Literature Association

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2016-02-17

The Intertextuality of Famous Figures in IRIB Advertisements

13th TELLSI International Conference

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2015-11-17

Recontextualization of Williams’s A Streetcar Named Desire in Tavakoli’s Stranger [Biganeh]

Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2015-10-06

Pieces of Shakespeare in Iran’s State TV Sitcom: Kolah Ghermezi on Stage

Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2015-10-06

Intertextual Postmodernism through WWW.com: Reading Dick’s Scanner Darkly and Linklater’s Adaptation

American Comparative Literature Association ACLA

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2015-04-13

Power Play and the Space in ‘Feminist . . . Male Directors’

ICLA Congres Paris 2013: The International Comparative Literature Association (ICLAبیستمین کنگره بین المللی ادبیات تطبیقی

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2013-07-18

World Wide Web and Intertextual Postmodernism in Media

The XIXth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2010-08-15

Reading the Positive Side of Narcissism as Disorder in the Confessional Art of Ginsberg and Kahlo

The XIXth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2010-08-15

The Adaptation(S) of Adaptation In Fractal Paintings of Farshchian as Fine-Popular Art

The XIXth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2010-08-15

Projection as Catharsis: God-Adam-Satan-Eve, a Damaged Family in Milton’s Paradise Lost

3rd National Congress of Family Pathology

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2008-05-12

Internationalization Strategic Planning: Guidelines, Challenges, and Best Practices for Iranian Universities

A Guidebook to Internationalizing Iranian Universities

مجلات داخلی | خرداد ۱۴۰۳ دوره (2) شماره (2) صفحات (133-162)

مروری نظام مند بر رویکردهای نظری سکشوالیته

علوم اجتماعی

مجلات داخلی | فروردین ۱۴۰۱

هنر کمیک در آینة تصاویر دیداری و ذهنی: بازنمایی مرجان در پرسپولیس

جهانی رسانه

مجلات داخلی | آذر ۱۳۹۷ دوره (13) شماره (1) صفحات (207-227)

بررسی برگردان سینمایی داستان اوسنه باباسبحان برمبنای نظریّةفزون‌متنیّت ژار ژنت

ادبیات پارسی معاصر

مجلات داخلی | شهریور ۱۳۹۶ دوره (7) شماره (2) صفحات (51-81)

کلیشه سازی آرمان‌شهر در تبلیغات تلویزیونی ایران: بررسی آگهی‌های بازرگانی لوازم‌ خانگی

رسانه و فرهنگ

مجلات داخلی | شهریور ۱۳۹۶ دوره (1) شماره (7) صفحات (67-87)

بازنماییِ کلیشه و ضدکلیشة زن: کاوشی در دنیای تبلیغات تلویزیون ایران با رویکرد تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی فرکلاف

راهبرد فرهنگ

مجلات داخلی | شهریور ۱۳۹۶ دوره (2) شماره (38) صفحات (185-206)

The Comparative Study of Joyce’s “The Dead” and Mosaffa’s Film Adaptation, The Last Step

نامه فرهنگستان

مجلات داخلی | مرداد ۱۳۹۶ دوره (7) شماره (2) صفحات (117-129)

بررسی تطبیقی داستان «مردگان» اثر جویس با فیلم اقتباسی پله آخر ساخته مصفا

نامه فرهنگستان

مجلات داخلی | مرداد ۱۳۹۶ دوره (7) شماره (2) صفحات (117-129)

بازآفرینی یک روایت در دو اثر: داستان «مردگان» اثر جویس در سینمای ایران

مطالعات زبان و ترجمه

مجلات داخلی | اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۶ دوره (49) شماره (3) صفحات (105-121)

مطالعه تطبیقی عوامل شهرت فیلم 12 سال بردگی در رسانه‌های ایران و آمریکا

جهانی رسانه

مجلات داخلی | اسفند ۱۳۹۴ دوره (10) شماره (2) صفحات (191-204)

ادبیات تطبیقی نو و اقتباس ادبی: نمایشنامه باغ وحش شیشه ای ویلیامز و فیلم اینجا بدون من توکلی

نامه فرهنگستان

مجلات داخلی | دی ۱۳۹۲ صفحات (10-43)

کودکی با زبان خاموش: اقتباس رمان پدر آن دیگری اثر پرینوش صنیعی

همایش ملّی ادبیّات کودک و نوجوان و معنویّت

کنفرانس های داخلی | ۱۳۹۶/۰۲/۱۸

بررسی آیین نامه ارتقای مرتبه اعضا هیت علمی در راستای سیاست های بین المللی شدن دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد

نگاشته های اعضای هیت علمی در حوزه های علمی، فرهنگی و سازمانی

کنفرانس های داخلی | ۱۳۹۴/۰۹/۲۴

Cinema and New Historicism (سینما و تاریخ گرایی نو)

هفتمین نشست نقد ادبی (نقد تاریخ گرایی نو)

کنفرانس های داخلی | ۱۳۸۸/۰۲/۲۸