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تعداد موارد: ۱۶۰

Porosity Effects on the Band Structures of the Thermoelastic Wave Propagation in Porous Metamaterials: An Analytical Approach

Journal of Vibration Engineering Technologies

مجلات خارجی 2025 January Volume (13) No (1)

A new coupled meshless method based on the CUF and MLPG method for dynamic analysis of thick multilayer FG GPLs-CNTs reinforced composite plates

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

مجلات خارجی 2025 January

Non-Fourier thermal focusing by gradient thermal metamaterials based on the Cattaneo–Vernotte model

Journal of Applied Physics

مجلات خارجی 2024 November Volume (136) No (19)

The modified physics-informed neural network (PINN) method for the thermoelastic wave propagation analysis based on the Moore-Gibson-Thompson theory in porous materials

Composite Structures

مجلات خارجی 2024 November Volume (348) No (1) Pages (118485-118485)

Nonlocal strain gradient-based nonlinear vibration analysis of nonlinear FG three-phase HJCNT/MWCNT/epoxy composite microbeam resonators using a modified micromechanical model

Physica Scripta

مجلات خارجی 2024 August Volume (99) No (8) Pages (085208-085238)

Initial load factor adjustment through genetic algorithm for the generalized displacement control method: Implementation on non-rigid origami analysis

Thin-Walled Structures

مجلات خارجی 2024 May Volume (201) Pages (111972-)

A new modified deep learning technique based on physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) for the shock-induced coupled thermoelasticity analysis in a porous material

Journal of Thermal Stresses

مجلات خارجی 2024 April Volume (47) No (6) Pages (798-825)

Non-Fourier heat conduction in 2D thermal metamaterials

Materials Today Communications

مجلات خارجی 2024 March Volume (38) No (1) Pages (107828-107828)

Application of the CUF–EFG method for buckling analysis of the multilayer GPLs–CNTs-reinforced FG plates with cutout

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

مجلات خارجی 2024 February Volume (31) No (3) Pages (533-549)

Effects of the strain gradients on the band structures of the elastic waves propagating in 1D phononic crystals: An analytical approach

Thin-Walled Structures

مجلات خارجی 2024 January Volume (194) No (2) Pages (111316-111316)

The modified CUF-EFG method for the dynamic analysis of GPLs-CNTs-reinforced FG multilayer thick cylindrical shells under shock loadings: A modified meshless implementation

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

مجلات خارجی 2023 November Volume (156) No (1) Pages (499-518)

A gradient-enhanced physics-informed neural network (gPINN) scheme for the coupled non-fickian/non-fourierian diffusion-thermoelasticity analysis: A novel gPINN structure

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

مجلات خارجی 2023 November Volume (126) No (1) Pages (106908-106908)

Effects of strain gradient on Moore-Gibson-Thompson generalized coupled non-fickian diffusion-thermoelasticity analysis in a Love-Bishop nanorod resonator: A size dependent meshless implementation

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

مجلات خارجی 2023 July Volume (152) No (1) Pages (383-396)

The novel PINN/gPINN-based deep learning schemes for non-Fickian coupled diffusion-elastic wave propagation analysis

Waves in Random and Complex Media

مجلات خارجی 2023 February

Geometrically Non-Linear Vibration and Coupled Thermo-Elasticity Analysis with Energy Dissipation in FG Multilayer Cylinder Reinforced by Graphene Platelets Using MLPG Method

Journal of Vibration Engineering Technologies

مجلات خارجی 2023 January Volume (11) No (1) Pages (355-379)

Bandgap characteristics of a piezoelectric phononic crystal Timoshenko nanobeam based on the modified couple stress and surface energy theories

Materials Today Communications

مجلات خارجی 2022 December Volume (33) No (1) Pages (104782-104782)

Band structure analysis of Green-Naghdi thermoelastic wave propagation in a GPLs/CNTs-reinforced metamaterial with energy dissipation

Engineering Structures

مجلات خارجی 2022 December Volume (272) No (1) Pages (114984-114984)

Plasma-affected photo-thermoelastic wave propagation in a semiconductor Love–Bishop nanorod using strain-gradient Moore–Gibson–Thompson theories

Thin-Walled Structures

مجلات خارجی 2022 October Volume (179) No (1) Pages (109480-109480)

Sound transmission loss of a novel acoustic metamaterial sandwich panel: Theory and experiment

Applied Acoustics

مجلات خارجی 2022 October Volume (199) No (1) Pages (109035-109035)

Vibration characteristics of irregular plates with a lumped mass: Theory and experiment

Thin-Walled Structures

مجلات خارجی 2022 October Volume (179) No (1) Pages (109588-109588)

Automated design of phononic crystals under thermoelastic wave propagation through deep reinforcement learning

Engineering Structures

مجلات خارجی 2022 July Volume (263) No (1) Pages (114385-114385)

Multipoint variable generalized displacement methods: Novel nonlinear solution schemes in structural mechanics

Structural Engineering and Mechanics

مجلات خارجی 2022 July Volume (83) No (2) Pages (135-151)

A deep learning approach based on the physics-informed neural networks for Gaussian thermal shock-induced thermoelastic wave propagation analysis in a thick hollow cylinder with energy dissipation

Waves in Random and Complex Media

مجلات خارجی 2022 June

Optimization of vibration band-gap characteristics of a periodic elastic metamaterial plate

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

مجلات خارجی 2022 May Volume (30) No (15) Pages (3204-3214)

A size-dependent differential quadrature element model for vibration analysis of FG CNT reinforced composite microrods based on the higher order Love-Bishop rod model and the nonlocal strain gradient theory

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

مجلات خارجی 2022 May Volume (138) No (1) Pages (235-252)

Thermal shock-induced Moore-Gibson-Thompson generalized coupled thermoelasticity analysis based on the strain gradient Love-Bishop theory in a nanorod resonator


مجلات خارجی 2022 March Volume (57) No (3) Pages (623-640)

Buckling analysis of multilayer FG-CNT reinforced nanocomposite cylinders assuming CNT waviness, agglomeration, and interphase effects using the CUF-EFG method

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

مجلات خارجی 2022 February Volume (30) No (7) Pages (1309-1325)

Band structure analysis of Green-Naghdi-based thermoelastic wave propagation in cylindrical phononic crystals with energy dissipation using a meshless collocation method

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

مجلات خارجی 2021 November Volume (209) Pages (106711-)

Nonlinear dynamic analysis of FG carbon nanotube/epoxy nanocomposite cylinder with large strains assuming particle/matrix interphase using MLPG method

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

مجلات خارجی 2021 November Volume (132) No (1) Pages (126-145)

A deep learning approach based on a data-driven tool for classification and prediction of thermoelastic wave’s band structures for phononic crystals

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

مجلات خارجی 2021 November Volume (29) No (27) Pages (6612-6625)

Two-Dimensional Geometrically Nonlinear Hyperelastic Wave Propagation Analysis in FG Thick Hollow Cylinders using MLPG Method

AUT Journal of Civil Engineering

مجلات خارجی 2021 September Volume (5) No (3) Pages (465-480)

Gaussian thermal shock-induced thermoelastic wave propagation in an FG multilayer hybrid nanocomposite cylinder reinforced by GPLs and CNTs

Thin-Walled Structures

مجلات خارجی 2021 September Volume (166) No (1) Pages (108108-108108)

Strain gradient and Green–Naghdi-based thermoelastic wave propagation with energy dissipation in a Love–Bishop nanorod resonator under thermal shock loading

Waves in Random and Complex Media

مجلات خارجی 2021 August Volume (34) No (4) Pages (2726-2749)

Human Reliability Analysis for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Process in Emergency Medicine Using a Modified Hybrid Method Based on the Markov Model and Fault Tree Analysis

Journal of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement

مجلات خارجی 2021 July Volume (9) No (3) Pages (163-175)

Analysis of a curved Timoshenko nano-beam with flexoelectricity

Acta Mechanica

مجلات خارجی 2021 April Volume (232) No (4) Pages (1563-1581)

Intelligent step-length adjustment for adaptive path-following in nonlinear structural mechanics based on group method of data handling neural network

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

مجلات خارجی 2021 February Volume (29) No (20) Pages (2895-2912)

Nonlocal coupled photo-thermoelasticity analysis in a semiconducting micro/nano beam resonator subjected to plasma shock loading: A Green-Naghdi-based analytical solution

Applied Mathematical Modelling

مجلات خارجی 2020 December Volume (88) Pages (631-651)

A data-based comparison of BN-HRA models in assessing human error probability: An offshore evacuation case study

Reliability Engineering and System Safety

مجلات خارجی 2020 October Volume (202) Pages (107043-107043)

Band structure analysis of wave propagation in piezoelectric nano-metamaterials as periodic nano-beams considering the small scale and surface effects

Acta Mechanica

مجلات خارجی 2020 July Volume (231) No (7) Pages (2877-2893)

Solution of minimum spanning forest problems with reliability constraints

Computers and Industrial Engineering

مجلات خارجی 2020 April Volume (142) Pages (106365-106377)

Geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of FG graphene platelets-reinforced nanocomposite cylinder: MLPG method based on a modified nonlinear micromechanical model

Steel and Composite Structures

مجلات خارجی 2020 April Volume (35) No (1) Pages (77-92)

A GN-based modified model for size-dependent coupled thermoelasticity analysis in nano scale, considering nonlocality in heat conduction and elasticity: An analytical solution for a nano beam with energy dissipation

Structural Engineering and Mechanics

مجلات خارجی 2020 February Volume (73) No (3) Pages (287-302)

BN-SLIM: A Bayesian Network methodology for human reliability assessment based on Success Likelihood Index Method (SLIM)

Reliability Engineering and System Safety

مجلات خارجی 2020 January Volume (193) Pages (106647-106656)

Nonlocal coupled thermoelastic wave propagation band structures of nano-scale phononic crystal beams based on GN theory with energy dissipation: An analytical solution

Wave Motion

مجلات خارجی 2020 January Volume (92) No (1) Pages (102429-102442)

Application of hetero junction CNTs as mass nanosensor using nonlocal strain gradient theory: An analytical solution

Applied Mathematical Modelling

مجلات خارجی 2019 December Volume (76) Pages (26-49)

Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Structures Using Various Higher Order Solution Methods: A Comparative Analysis for Large Deformation

Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences-CMES

مجلات خارجی 2019 October Volume (121) No (3) Pages (877-907)

Active tuning and maximization of natural frequency in three-dimensional functionally graded shape memory alloy composite structures using meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method

Journal of Vibration and Control

مجلات خارجی 2019 August Volume (25) No (15) Pages (2093-2107)

Nonlocal geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of nanobeam using a meshless method

Steel and Composite Structures

مجلات خارجی 2019 August Volume (32) No (3) Pages (293-304)

Anisotropic transient thermoelasticity analysis in a two-dimensional decagonal quasicrystal using meshless local Petrov–Galerkin (MLPG) method

Applied Mathematical Modelling

مجلات خارجی 2019 February Volume (66) No (2) Pages (275-295)

Lateral vibrations of embedded hetero-junction carbon nanotubes based on the nonlocal strain gradient theory: Analytical and differential quadrature element (DQE) methods

Physica E

مجلات خارجی 2019 January Volume (105) No (1) Pages (68-82)

Axial vibration of hetero-junction CNTs mass nanosensors by considering the effects of small scale and connecting region: An analytical solution

Physica B: Condensed Matter

مجلات خارجی 2019 January Volume (553) No (1) Pages (137-150)

A Geometrically Non-linear Stochastic Analysis of Two-dimensional Structures made of Neo-hookean Hyperelastic Materials Uusing MLPG Method: Considering Uncertainty in Mechanical Properties

AUT Journal of Civil Engineering

مجلات خارجی 2018 September Volume (2) No (2) Pages (209-218)

Path following techniques for geometrically nonlinear structures based on Multi-point methods

Computers and Structures

مجلات خارجی 2018 August Volume (208) No (1) Pages (130-142)

Analytical solution for coupled non-Fickian diffusion-thermoelasticity and thermoelastic wave propagation analysis

Scientia Iranica

مجلات خارجی 2018 August Pages (2077-2086)

Analytical solution for nonlocal coupled thermoelasticity analysis in a heat-affected MEMS/NEMS beam resonator based on Green-Naghdi theory

Applied Mathematical Modelling

مجلات خارجی 2018 June Volume (57) No (1) Pages (21-36)

Elastodynamic and wave propagation analysis in a FG graphene platelets-reinforced nanocomposite cylinder using a modified nonlinear micromechanical model

Steel and Composite Structures

مجلات خارجی 2018 May Volume (27) No (3) Pages (255-271)

Coupled thermoelastic analysis of an FG multilayer graphene platelets-reinforced nanocomposite cylinder using meshless GFD method: A modified micromechanical model

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

مجلات خارجی 2018 March Volume (88) No (1) Pages (80-92)

Two Dimensional Stress and Displacement Wave Propagation Under Shock Loading in Saturated Porous Materials with Two Dimensional Functionally Graded Materails Using MLPG Method

AUT Journal of Civil Engineering

مجلات خارجی 2017 December Volume (1) No (2) Pages (167-176)

Shock-induced stochastic dynamic analysis of cylinders made of saturated porous materials using MLPG method: considering uncertainty in mechanical properties

Acta Mechanica

مجلات خارجی 2017 December Volume (228) No (11) Pages (3961-3975)

Shock-induced nonlocal coupled thermoelasticity analysis (with energy dissipation) in a MEMS/NEMS beam resonator based on Green–Naghdi theory: A meshless implementation considering small-scale effects

Journal of Thermal Stresses

مجلات خارجی 2017 September Volume (40) No (9) Pages (1134-1151)

Free vibration analysis of dissimilar connected CNTs with atomic imperfections and different locations of connecting region

Physica B: Condensed Matter

مجلات خارجی 2017 August Volume (524) Pages (34-46)

Application of meshless local integral equations for two-dimensional transient coupled hygrothermoelasticity analysis: Moisture and thermoelastic wave propagations under shock loading

Journal of Thermal Stresses

مجلات خارجی 2017 January Volume (40) No (1) Pages (40-54)

Generalized coupled non-Fickian/non-Fourierian diffusion-thermoelasticity analysis subjected to shock loading using analytical method

Structural Engineering and Mechanics

مجلات خارجی 2016 October Volume (60) No (3) Pages (529-545)

The Effects of Connecting Region Length on the Natural Frequencies of Straight and Non-straight Hetero-junction Carbon Nanotubes

Computational Materials Science

مجلات خارجی 2016 August Volume (122) Pages (11-21)

Elastodynamic Analysis of a Hollow Cylinder with Decagonal Quasicrystal Properties: Meshless Implementation of Local Integral Equations


مجلات خارجی 2016 August Volume (6) No (94) Pages (1-16)

Geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of functionally graded thick hollow cylinders using total Lagrangian MLPG method


مجلات خارجی 2016 March Volume (51) No (3) Pages (655-672)

An analytical solution for thermoelastic damping in a micro-beam based on generalized theory of thermoelasticity and modified couple stress theory

Applied Mathematical Modelling

مجلات خارجی 2016 February Volume (40) No (4) Pages (3164-3174)

Large Deformation Hyper-Elastic Modeling for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Two Dimensional Functionally Graded Domains Using the Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) Method

Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences-CMES

مجلات خارجی 2015 December Volume (108) No (3) Pages (135-157)

Dynamic Analysis of Cylindrically Layered Structures Reinforced by Carbon Nanotube Using MLPG Method

Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal

مجلات خارجی 2015 December Volume (48) No (2) Pages (235-250)

Shock-induced two dimensional coupled non-Fickian diffusion–elasticity analysis using meshless generalized finite difference (GFD) method

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

مجلات خارجی 2015 December Volume (61) No (12) Pages (232-240)

Two dimensional analysis of coupled non-Fick diffusion-elastodynamics problems in functionally graded materials using meshless local Petrov–Galerkin (MLPG) method

Applied Mathematics and Computation

مجلات خارجی 2015 October Volume (268) No (1) Pages (937-946)

Three Dimensional Natural Frequency Analysis of Sandwich Plates with Functionally Graded Core Using Hybrid Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method and Artificial Neural Network

Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences-CMES

مجلات خارجی 2015 August Volume (105) No (4) Pages (271-299)

A meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method for nonlinear dynamic analyses of hyper-elastic FG thick hollow cylinder with Rayleigh damping

Acta Mechanica

مجلات خارجی 2015 April Volume (226) No (2) Pages (1497-1513)

Thermoelastic damping in a nonlocal nano-beam resonator as NEMS based on the type III of Green–Naghdi theory (with energy dissipation)

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

مجلات خارجی 2015 April Volume (92) No (4) Pages (304-311)

Geometrically nonlinear elastodynamic analysis of hyper-elastic neo-Hooken FG cylinder subjected to shock loading using MLPG method

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

مجلات خارجی 2015 January Volume (50) No (1) Pages (83-96)

Shock-induced molar concentration wave propagation and coupled non-Fick diffusion-elasticity analysis using an analytical method

Acta Mechanica

مجلات خارجی 2014 December Volume (225) No (12) Pages (3591-3599)

Dynamic Analysis of a Layered Cylinder Reinforced by Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotubes Distributions Subjected to Shock Loading using MLPG Method

Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences-CMES

مجلات خارجی 2014 December Volume (100) No (4) Pages (295-321)

Elastic wave propagation and time history analysis in FG nanocomposite cylinders reinforced by carbon nanotubes using a hybrid mesh-free method

Engineering Computations

مجلات خارجی 2014 September Volume (31) No (7) Pages (1261-1282)

Application of a hybrid mesh-free method for shock-induced thermoelastic wave propagation analysis in a layered functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with nonlinear grading patterns

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

مجلات خارجی 2014 June Volume (43) No (4) Pages (56-66)

Two dimensional transient analysis of coupled non-Fick diffusion-thermoelasticity based on Green-Naghdi theory using meshless local Petrov – Galerkin (MLPG) method

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

مجلات خارجی 2014 May Volume (82) No (5) Pages (74-80)

Two dimensional stress wave propagation in finite length FG cylinders with two directional nonlinear grading patterns using MLPG method

Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE

مجلات خارجی 2014 March Volume (140) No (3) Pages (1-18)

Application of a hybrid meshless technique for natural frequencies analysis in functionally graded thick hollow cylinder subjected to suddenly thermal loading

Applied Mathematical Modelling

مجلات خارجی 2014 February Volume (38) No (2) Pages (425-436)

Stochastic analysis of elastic wave and second sound propagation in media with Gaussian uncertainty in mechanical properties using a stochastic hybrid mesh-free method

Structural Engineering and Mechanics

مجلات خارجی 2014 January Volume (49) No (1) Pages (41-64)

Application of a Hybrid Mesh-free Method Based on Generalized Finite Difference (GFD) Method for Natural Frequency Analysis of Functionally Graded Nanocomposite Cylinders Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes

Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences-CMES

مجلات خارجی 2013 December Volume (95) No (1) Pages (1-29)

Elastic wave propagation in a functionally graded nanocomposite reinforced by carbon nanotubes employing meshless local integral equations (LIEs)

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

مجلات خارجی 2013 November Volume (37) No (11) Pages (1524-1531)

Two-dimensional elastic wave propagation analysis in finite length FG thick hollow cylinders with 2D nonlinear grading patterns using MLPG method

Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences-CMES

مجلات خارجی 2013 June Volume (91) No (3) Pages (177-204)

Stochastic hybrid numerical method for transient analysis of stress field in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders subjected to shock loading

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology

مجلات خارجی 2013 May Volume (27) No (5) Pages (1373-1384)

Response of multiwall carbon nanotubes to impact loading

Applied Mathematical Modelling

مجلات خارجی 2013 April Volume (37) No (7) Pages (5359-5370)

Shock - induced thermoelastic wave propagation analysis in a thick hollow cylinder without energy dissipation using mesh-free generalized finite difference (GFD) method

Acta Mechanica

مجلات خارجی 2013 March Volume (224) No (2) Pages (465-478)

Application of meshless local integrale quations to two dimensional analysis of coupled non-Fick diffusion–elasticity

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

مجلات خارجی 2013 March Volume (37) No (3) Pages (603-615)

Analysis of elastic wave propagation in a functionally graded thick hollow cylinder using a hybrid mesh-free method

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

مجلات خارجی 2012 November Volume (36) No (11) Pages (1536-1545)

An analytical solution for thermal shock analysis of multiwall carbon nanotubes

Computational Materials Science

مجلات خارجی 2012 August Volume (61) No (1) Pages (291-297)

A glance on the effects of temperature on axisymmetric dynamic behavior of multiwall carbon nanotubes

Acta Mechanica Sinica

مجلات خارجی 2012 July Volume (28) No (3) Pages (720-728)

Analytical Solution for Thermoelastic Waves Propagation Analysis in Thick Hollow Cylinder Based on Green-Naghdi Model of Coupled Thermoelasticity

Journal of Thermal Stresses

مجلات خارجی 2012 March Volume (35) No (4) Pages (363-376)

A unified formulation for the analysis of temperature field in thick hollow cylinder made of functionally graded materials with various grading patterns

Heat Transfer Engineering

مجلات خارجی 2012 February Volume (33) No (3) Pages (261-271)

Stochastic Assessment of Thermo-Elastic Wave Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) with Gaussian Uncertainty in Constitutive Mechanical Properties

Journal of Thermal Stresses

مجلات خارجی 2011 November Volume (34) No (10) Pages (1071-1099)

Transient analysis of thermo-elastic waves in thick hollow cylinders using a stochastic hybrid numerical method, considering Gaussian mechanical properties

Applied Mathematical Modelling

مجلات خارجی 2011 October Volume (35) No (10) Pages (4697-4714)

Thermal shock analysis and thermo-elastic stress waves in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders using analytical method

International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design

مجلات خارجی 2011 September Volume (7) No (3) Pages (167-184)

Meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method for coupled thermoelasticity analysis of a functionally graded thick hollow cylinder

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

مجلات خارجی 2011 July Volume (35) No (7) Pages (827-835)

Effects of dimensional parameters and various boundary conditions on axisymmetric vibrations of multi-walled carbon nanotubes using a continuum model

Archive of Applied Mechanics

مجلات خارجی 2011 July Volume (81) No (8) Pages (1129-1140)

Stochastic meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method for thermo-elastic wave propagation analysis in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders

Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences-CMES

مجلات خارجی 2011 February Volume (71) No (1) Pages (39-66)

Two-dimensional dynamic analysis of thermal stresses in a finite-length FG thick hollow cylinder subjected to thermal shock loading using an analytical method

Acta Mechanica

مجلات خارجی 2011 January Volume (220) No (1) Pages (299-314)

Displacement time history analysis and radial wave propagation velocity in pressurized multiwall carbon nanotubes

Computational Materials Science

مجلات خارجی 2010 August Volume (49) No (2) Pages (283-292)

Transient and Dynamic Stress Analysis of Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinder Subjected to Thermal Shock Loading Using an Analytical Method

Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering

مجلات خارجی 2010 August Volume (4) No (8) Pages (1346-1359)

Reliability of stress field in Al–Al2O3 functionally graded thick hollow cylinder subjected to sudden unloading, considering uncertain mechanical properties

Materials and Design

مجلات خارجی 2010 July Volume (31) No (8) Pages (1-13)

General analytical solution for elastic radial wave propagation and dynamic analysis of functionally graded thick hollow cylinders subjected to impact loading

Acta Mechanica

مجلات خارجی 2010 June Volume (212) No (1) Pages (1-19)

Stochastic dynamic analysis of a functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with uncertain material properties subjected to shock loading

Materials and Design

مجلات خارجی 2010 February Volume (31) No (2) Pages (894-901)

Analytical solution in transient thermo‐elasticity of functionally graded thick hollow cylinders (Pseudo‐dynamic analysis)

Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

مجلات خارجی 2009 September Volume (32) No (15) Pages (2019-2034)

Coupled thermoelasticity and second sound in finite length functionally graded thick hollow cylinders (without energy dissipation)

Materials and Design

مجلات خارجی 2009 June No (30) Pages (2011-2023)

Dynamic analysis of two-dimensional functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with finite length under impact loading

Acta Mechanica

مجلات خارجی 2008 November Volume (208) Pages (163-180)

Heat conduction and heat wave propagation in functionally graded thick hollow cylinder base on coupled thermoelasticity without energy dissipation

Heat and Mass Transfer

مجلات خارجی 2008 October Volume (44) No (12) Pages (1477-1484)

Coupled thermoelasticity of a functionally graded THICK HOLLOW CYLINDERS (WITHOUT ENERGY DISSIPATION)

Materials Forum

مجلات خارجی 2007 September Volume (31) Pages (96-101)

Dynamic response and radial wave propagation velocity in thick hollow cylinder made of functionally graded materials

Engineering Computations

مجلات خارجی 2007 May Volume (24) No (3) Pages (288-303)

Transient heat conduction in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders by analytical method

Heat and Mass Transfer

مجلات خارجی 2007 May Volume (43) No (7) Pages (669-675)

Vibration and radial wave propagation velocity in functionally graded thick hollow cylinder

Composite Structures

مجلات خارجی 2006 October Volume (76) Pages (174-181)


International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2012-06-18

Axial Force Analysis in Axial Machines with Functionally-graded Permanent Magnet

AES-ATEMA’ 2012 Tenth International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2012-06-18

Functionally-graded Permanent Magnets for Power Transmission Applications

Ninth International Conference Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2011-08-01

Thermo Elastic Wave propagation in functionally graded materials using meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) Method

16th International Conference on Composite Structures- ICCS

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2011-06-28

Coupled thermoelasticity analysis based on Green-Naghdi theory (without energy dissipation) in thick hollow cylinder using meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method

9th International Congress on THERMAL STRESSES

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2011-06-05

Analytical Solution for Two-Dimensional Dynamic Response Analysis of Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinder with Finite Length Subjected to Impact Loading

2nd International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Application-CCFA-2

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2010-12-27

Axisymmetric Vibration Analysis of Finite Length Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Using a Continuum Model

International Conference on Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2010-08-25



کنفرانس های خارجی | 2010-06-07

Coupled Thermoelasticity (Without Energy Dissipation) Analysis in Thick Hollow Cylinder Subjected to thermal shock loading Using a General Analytical Method

IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2010-05-16

Time history analysis of stresses in functionally graded thick hollow cylinder subjected to thermal shock loading using analytical method

Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2009-11-13

Dynamic Stochastic Analysis of Radial Displacement in Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinder Using Hybrid Numerical Method and Monte Carlo Simulation

7th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2009-09-18

Time history analysis of displacement and stress fields in thick hollow cylinders subjected to impact loading using analytical method

XIV International Conference on Nonlinear Elasticity in Materials

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2009-06-01

Dynamic Analysis of Alumina - Aluminum FG Cylinders Subjected to Thermal and Mechanical loads Using Analytical Solution

11th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA11)

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2008-09-22

Coupled Thermoelasticity of Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinders (Without Energy Dissipation)

Materials and Austceram

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2007-07-04

Heat Loss and Thermal Stresses in DI Diesel Engine Using Functionally Graded Cylinder


کنفرانس های خارجی | 2007-02-20

Analytical Solution in Transient Thermoelasticity of Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinders (Pseudo-Dynamic Analysis)

Sixth International Conference on Composite Science and Technology

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2007-01-22

Increasing of energy efficiency in the Diesel engine using functionally graded materials (FGMs)

International Railway Symposium

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2006-12-13

Dynamic response of functionally graded hollow cylinder

International Conference on composite material (ICCM15)

کنفرانس های خارجی | 2005-06-27

مدل سازی میرایی رایلی و توابع شکل شعاعی مختلف در ساختارهای متخلخل با استفاده از روش بدون شبکه تحت بارهای دینامیکی


مجلات داخلی | تیر ۱۳۹۹ دوره (36) شماره (2) صفحات (27-35)

طراحی بهینه چند هدفی و تحلیل فرکانس طبیعی تیرهای کامپوزیتی آلیاژی حافظه‌دار با استفاده از الگوریتم ژنتیک

مهندسی مکانیک مدرس

مجلات داخلی | مهر ۱۳۹۸ دوره (19) شماره (10) صفحات (2499-2509)

تحلیل دینامیکی حالت گذرای دوبعدی شبه‌کریستال‌های با ساختار ده‌وجهی تحت بارگذاری به‌صورت شوک بااستفاده از روش بدون مش اختلاف محدود تعمیم‌یافته

علوم کاربردی و محاسباتی در مکانیک

مجلات داخلی | فروردین ۱۳۹۸ دوره (30) شماره (1) صفحات (97-118)

بیشینه سازی سختی صفحات با استفاده از روش بهینه ‌سازی تکاملی سازه‌ها (ESO)

مهندسی مکانیک ایران-Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Transactions of the ISME

مجلات داخلی | آبان ۱۳۸۸ دوره (11) شماره (2) صفحات (7-29)

انتخاب فناوری برتر تصفیه فاضلاب در تصفیهخانههای شهر مشهد با تأکید بر بومیسازی

نهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و سیستمها

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ارزیابی ریسکهای عملیات اطفاء حریق و امداد و نجات در ساختمانهای بلند شهر مشهد با استفاده از روش تحلیل درخت خطا

هشتمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و سیستمها

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کاربرد یادگیری عمیق در طبقه‌بندی کریستال‌های فنونی

هفتمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و سیستمها

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تحلیل ریسک و قابلیت اطمینان عملکرد انسان در عملیات پیگرانی منطقه 4 خطوط انتقال گاز ایرا ن

ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و سیستمها

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شناسایی و اولویت بندی ریسک های عملیات اطفاء حریق و امداد و نجات در ساختمان های بلند محلات پرتراکم مشهد

ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و سیستمها (ICISE2020)

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تحلیل حوادث شغلی آتش‌نشانان شهر مشهد در سال‌های 96 و 97 به منظور شناسایی علل حوادث و بررسی ارتباط آن با نوع و سطح حوادث

پنجمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و سیستمها

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شناسایی و پیش بینی خطای انسانی در فرآیند ساکشن لوله هوایی در بخش مراقبت های ویژه با استفاده از مدل های خطی تعمیم یافته

پنجمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و سیستم­ها (ICISE 2019)

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ارائه روشی برای پایش کیفیت عملکرد انسان در فرآیند ساکشن لوله تراشه در بخش مراقبت های ویژه با استفاده از نمودارهای کنترلی

پانزدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع

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تعیین تحلیل شرایط عملکردی موثر بر قابلیت اطمینان عملکرد انسان در فرآیند تعبیه کاتتر ورید مرکزی بخش اورژانس

پانزدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع

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شناسایی و تحلیل ریسک حوادث ناخواسته درفرآیند پاکسازی لوله تراشه بیماران وابسته به ونتیلاتور با استفاده از روش Bow-Tie

چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و سیستمها

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بهینه‌سازی کیفیت چسبندگی در اتصالات چسبی پره کامپوزیتی توربین بادی با استفاده از روش‌های طراحی آزمایش‌ها

چهاردهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع

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بکارگیری روش طراحی آزمایش‌ها (DOE) در تعیین شرایط بهینه استحکام کششی رزین پلی‌استر

سومین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت و مهندسی صنایع

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بکارگیری روش تحلیل سلسله مراتبی فازی در رتبه‌بندی عوامل مؤثر بر بهره‌وری پره کامپوزیتی توربین بادی

سومین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت و مهندسی صنایع

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تحلیل قابلیت اطمینان عملکرد انسان در ماساژ قلبی فرآیند احیای قلبی _ ریوی با استفاده از رویکرد ترکیبی تحلیل درخت خطا و روش مارکوف

دومین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و سیستم­ها (ICISE 2016)

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تحلیل قابلیت اطمینان سیستم حفاظت کاتدیک خطوط انتقال گاز بر مبنای روش ترکیبی زنجیره مارکوف و درخت خطا

دومین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و سیستم­ها (ICISE 2016)

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تحلیل قابلیت اطمینان هزینه های کنترل موجودی با امکان بازنوکردن کالاهای فسادپذیر

یازدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع

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تحلیل میرایی ترموالاستیک در میکروتیر تشدیدگر بر اساس تئوری لرد-شولمن به روش تحلیلی

اولین کنفرانس بین المللی ریزفناوری و میکروماشیناری

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رویکردی ترکیبی برمبنای درخت خطا و زنجیره مارکوف برای ارزیابی قابلیت اطمینان مشتری در سیستمهای توزیع

سومین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی قابلیت اطمینان IREC2014

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تحلیل قابلیت اطمینان هزینه های کنترل موجودی با امکان بازنوکردن کالاهای فسادپذیر

سومین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی قابلیت اطمینان IREC2014

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تحلیل ارتعاشات ترموالاستیک در سیستم های نانو الکترو مکانیک به شکل تیر بر اساس تئوری گرین- نقدی

سومین کنفرانس بین المللی آکوستیک و ارتعاشات

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ارائه الگوریتم ابتکاری برای مساله درخت فراگیر کمینه با محدودیت تاخیر

چهل و چهارمین کنفرانس ریاضی

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تحلیل تنش های دینامیکی استوانه جدار ضخیم FGM تحت شوک مکانیکی به روش تحلیلی

هیجدهمین همایش سالانه بین‌المللی مهندسی مکانیک ایران

کنفرانس های داخلی | ۱۳۸۹/۰۲/۲۱

تحلیل دینامیکی استوانه ساخته شده از جنس مواد هدفمند (Functionally graded materials)

سیزدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی مکانیک

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