
Dr. Ali Tehranifar

(Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)
  • Department of Horticultural Science and Landscape Architecture
  • Agriculture
  • Scimet

About Me

I am Ali Tehranifar Born in Mashhad . I did elementary and high school in Mashhad. I got BSc degree from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in Agronomy Science. Havig MSc degree in Horticulture from Tabriz University I started my work in Ferdowsi Universty of Mashhad in 1989. I went to UK in 1993 pursuing Ph.D degree and I graduated from Reding University in 1997 in the field of Physiology of horticultural crops. Since that I am working in Department of Horicultural Science in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. During my work in University I teach several courses in BSc , MSc and PH.D. Also i supervise several dissertation and thesis in MSc and PH.D level.Now I am professor of Horticulture in Department of Horticultural Science and Landscape Architecture . I also did several reserch project in collaboration of outside organizations and also inside of the Univversty. My main interest in Horticulture is : Small fruits, Ornamental plants and Landscape Horticulture. Hydroponic (Soil less culture), greenhouse or protected production, native Horticultural plans like pomegranate and Barberry and etc.