Within the provided compressed file, there are 36 .txt files, with each file representing three instances categorized by loose, semi-tight, and tight deadlines. Each file consists of the following information: the initial row contains the number of demand nodes (|Vd|), followed by accessible times obtained from solving the repair crew routing subproblem (RCRSP) once. To calculate the loose, semi-tight, and tight deadlines, each accessible time is multiplied by 1.2, 0.9, and 0.6, respectively. The third row indicates the amount of time by which the deadline of each demand node is postponed after each visit of the drone (dei). It is important to note that the first element of each row for dli and dei corresponds to the depot and is considered as zero. This was solely for programming purposes and to preserve the indexes for demand nodes as they were.

The subsequent matrix showcases the travel time between nodes for the repair crew (tij), encompassing all i and j belonging to the set {0, n+1}. This matrix contains (n+2)×(n+2) elements. Following that, the number of destroyed roads (|Vr|) is indicated. Subsequently, the next row presents the time required to repair each destroyed node (si). The subsequent matrix displays the travel time of the drone between two nodes (t'ij). Lastly, the maximum number of times the drone can postpone any demand node (smax) is provided. Finally, the three optimal solutions corresponding to loose, semi-tight, and tight deadlines are presented.

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