The necessary data for evaluating the constructed models has been provided in the Database folder. In this folder, there are three files, each of which is explained below:

  • Large number folder: Data related to vessel with a small number of weapons.
  • Average number folder: Data related to vessel with an average number of weapons.
  • Small number folder: Data related to vessel with a large number of weapons.

In each of these folders, there are .txt files, and the explanations for each of them are provided below.

File (small or average or large) number weapon, which, based on its name, contains information about the weapons.The information related to the following set of weapons is provided:

  • The set of weapons of type 1 (projectile weapons)
  • The set of weapons of type 2 (defender drones)
  • The set of weapons of type 3 (spray guns)
  • The set of weapons of type 4 (disruptive facilities)
  • The set of weapons of type 5 (high-energy laser devices)
  • The set of weapons of type 6 (direct shooting weapons)

For all six of the above weapon categories, a number is first provided in the .txt file, indicating the number of available weapons of that type. Then, the parameters of that set of weapons are provided, including information such as the longitude of the weapon, latitude, the setup time of the weapon, the firing time of the weapon, the probability of the weapon hitting a threat, the probability of destroying a threat if the weapon hits it, the minimum achievable range of the weapon, the maximum achievable range of the weapon, the angle between the weapon and the threat, the horizontal cover angle of the weapon, and the vertical cover angle of the weapon.

In addition to the information related to the weapons in each folder, 25 other files related to the threat information have been provided. The format of the names of these files is in the form of {NumberOfThreat}_Uav_{TypeNumber}. NumberOfThreat is a variable between four and twelve digits, indicating the number of threats in that txt file. Since five different data models have been generated for each scenario, TypeNumber indicates the type of that txt file. For example, we have five diverse files from a scenario where the number of threats is eight.Inside the threat information file, we have a line for each threat, and each line of data represents the following parameters:

  • The value of threat u that indicates its damage power
  • The weight of threat u (kg)
  • The communication and functional frequency of threat u (GHz)
  • The longitude of threat u (degree)
  • The latitude of threat u (degree)
  • The altitude (height) of threat u from the water surface (km)
  • Takes a value of one if threat u possesses optical guidance and zero otherwise
  • Takes a value of one if threat u possesses radar guidance and zero otherwise
  • Horizontal angle of threat movement
  • Vertical angle of threat movement
  • The velocity of threat u (km/h)

By using the above information, the tested model and its results have been reviewed in the article

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