
Dr. Seyed Saeed Malek sadati

(Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)
  • Economics
  • Economics and Administrative sciences
  • Scimet

About Me

Saeed Malek Sadati, Ph.D., is a tenure assistant professor in economics at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM). His research interests are labor economics, environmental economics, political economy, and socioeconomics. Recently, he has worked mostly on empirical analysis of labor market institutions and reforms, regarding unemployment insurance, pension policies, and wage discrimination. He has conducted several projects on the socioeconomic problems in developing countries, including child labor and school dropout. He has also researched energy policies and environmental governance. Since the fall of 2014, when he joined FUM, he has taught various undergraduate and graduate courses in applied econometrics and microeconomics. He has received the FUM award for distinguished teaching. He has also received FUM award for collaboration with Industries.