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Sedimentology and geochemistry of dust in the source areas of dargaz county

Bakzadehkhanom Gherghelo
M.Sc. | 2024-10-21

Investigating the effects of vegetation status and topography on soil erodibility in yunsi forestry area

Sajjad Aref
M.Sc. | 2024-09-23

Investigating the phenomenon of dust and determining the synoptic pattern of selected events in north khorasan province

Zahra Aliakbari
M.Sc. | 2024-09-23

Prediction of flood flow and flooded areas based on artificial intelligence and remote sensing data of google earth engine system

Mohammad Jahani
M.Sc. | 2024-09-14

Spatio-temporal variations of wind erosion potential in the middle east by rweq model using remote sensing data and geographic information system

Sajjad Taleghani
M.Sc. | 2024-06-26

Geophysicochemical and archaeological investigation of modern and past aeolian sediments in the east iran to compare their potential sources

Nekouei Mostafa
M.Sc. | 2023-10-04

Climatic pattern of dust events during earthquake

Mohammad Sabzevari
M.Sc. | 2023-07-03

The effects of changes in some climatic and edaphic factors on rate of sedimentation in bar-erieh watershed

Mahdieh Khodadadi
M.Sc. | 2023-05-01

Monitoring and characterization of atmospheric aerosols in northeast of iran using sun-photometer measurements, satellite data and atmospheric aerosol trajectory models

Somayeh Feizollahi
M.Sc. | 2022-01-10

Investigation of spatial and temporal variability of desert dust emission sources in iran by using seviri msg images

Zohre Sabet jazari
M.Sc. | 2022-01-10

Investigating the relationship between dust and some climatic and environmental variables in central and southwest asia

Ali Gholami
M.Sc. | 2021-12-29

Assessment of dust emission, dust track and effected area from different geomorphic and land covers in the west khuzestan province, iran

Nemat Malamiri
Ph.D | 2021-10-13

Assessment of sand dune movements in boshroyeh township, south khorasan and its affected areas

Maryam Gholian aval
M.Sc. | 2021-09-20

Temporal-spatial changes of vegetation index and its relationship with climatic factors in tandoora national park

Hanieh Yousefi
M.Sc. | 2021-03-08

Effect of biological restoration by haloxylon on some soil and vegetation properties in wind eroded lands of sabzevar county

Mohamadreza Sepehrian
M.Sc. | 2019-06-16

Assessment of chemical properties of airborne dust entry to the north east of iran

Malihe Baghi
M.Sc. | 2019-05-12

Evaluation and prediction of vegetation index dynamics and restoration prospects in khajeh woodlands

Ahmad Emamian
M.Sc. | 2019-02-17

(study on the response of vegetation to precipitation under different grazing levels by using ndvi index (case study: tandooreh region

Omid Rabbani
M.Sc. | 2019-02-05

Effects of desert dust on yield and yield components, physiological and morphological traits of wheat (triticum aestivum) and cowpea (vigna unguiculata l.)

Zahra Hatami
Ph.D | 2018-02-14

Spatio-temporal variability of plant formation changes at tandoureh national park by remote sensed data

Mina Ansari
M.Sc. | 2017-09-22

Investigation on the effect of sediment from wind erosion on the creation of fertile islands in neyshabour region

Farzaneh sadat Seyednezhad
M.Sc. | 2017-07-14

Classification of dust emission sources in south khorasan using the modis satellite data

Lale Shahi khesht
M.Sc. | 2017-07-14

The relation between spatial distribution of particle matters and atmospheric circulation patterns in the critical air pollution episodes of tehran metropolis

Minoodokht Karimi
M.Sc. | 2017-06-07

Monitoring and assessment desertification risk using imdpa model (case study: ghasemabad plain, bajestan township)

Soroor Davari
M.Sc. | 2017-03-13

Morphometric of nebkha and its relationship with some vegetation and sediment factors in sarakhs region

Mohammad javad Yousefi
M.Sc. | 2017-02-18

(assessment of wind erosion variability in different vegetation patterns (case study: sebri region, sabzevar, iran

Hanieh Pourjavad
M.Sc. | 2017-02-15

Spectral, synoptical and dynamical properties of dust storms over the jazmoryan area, iran

Maryam Arjmand
M.Sc. | 2016-09-21

Spatio-temporal variability of aerosol indices over the east of khorasan, iran and the impacts of land use changes

Parvin Miri mamarabadi
M.Sc. | 2016-06-19

An integrated desertification vulnerability index based on remotely-sensed data (case study:khorasan razavi)

Mozhgan Pashaei nezhad
M.Sc. | 2016-01-25

Assessment of geochemical-mineralogical properties and environmental effects of dust caused by placer iron minig over sangan area-iran

Pedram Pouramin
M.Sc. | 2015-09-22

Assessment of wind erosion rates and its relation with soil shear strength(case study: harvested area daroneh city)

Azadeh Hasannejad
M.Sc. | 2014-06-30