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Design of sorbent based on magnetic graphene oxide modified with metal-organic framework synthesized by magnetic solvent for the extraction of remdesivir drug from biological samples

Maryam Asefi
M.Sc. | 2024-02-19

Magnetic graphene oxide modified with porous aromatic framework (paf-6) as new sorbent in magnetic solid phase extraction for extraction of bisphenol a

Amir hossein Hosseini
M.Sc. | 2024-02-17

Extraction and determination of phthalate esters using graphene oxide modified with metal-organic framework (uio-66) and covalent organic framework (snw-1) hybride and gas chromatography-flame ionization detector

Zahra Farhadi
M.Sc. | 2024-02-17

Magnetic graphene oxid modified with metal-organic framework (zif-8)/covalent organic framework (snw-1) hybrid for extraction of phthalate esters from real samples

Hanie Fakori moghadam
M.Sc. | 2024-02-17

Magnetic montmorillonite modified with metal-organic frameworks (uio-66) as sorbent for the extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Mojtaba Hosseininia manoojan
M.Sc. | 2023-10-05

Carbon nanofibers/polyethylene glycol-coated stainless steel mesh based on sol–gel technique for extraction and preconcentration of aromatic amines from aqueous samples

Faezeh Ghamari
M.Sc. | 2023-08-30

Removal of nitrate by stainless steel mesh coated with layered double hydroxide -ldh- – graphene oxide nanocomposite

Fahimeh Rashidabadi
M.Sc. | 2023-08-30

Magnetic nanofibers modified with metal-organic frameworks as sorbent for the extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Faeze Bodagh abadi
M.Sc. | 2022-10-08

Synthesis of magnetic graphene oxide modified with mof-199 and its applications as sorbent for simultaneous extraction and preconcentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from water samples

Elahe Hosseini
M.Sc. | 2022-02-19

Stainless steel mesh coated with metal-organic frameworks -mof-199 and uio-66- as a new sorbent in solid phase extraction for pre-concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and phthalate esters in water samples and analysis by gas chromatography coupled with flame ionization detector -gc-fid-

Abbas Abdar
Ph.D | 2021-09-20