Topic Description

Topic Description
# Topic Description Syllabus
1 Introduction to Composite Materials, What is a Composite Material?, Why are Composite Materials Used Instead of Metals?
2 Classification of Composite Materials, Reinforcements, Matrix Materials, Basic Terminology
3 Applications
4 Constitutive Laws, Homogeneous Quadratic Forms, Sylvester’s Theorem, Constraints on the Mechanical Properties of an Orthotropic Material
5 On-Axis Constitutive Law of an Orthotropic Material, Off-Axis Constitutive Law of an Orthotropic Material, The Off-Axis Compliances in terms of Engineering Constants
6 Thermal Effects in the Constitutive Law, The Effects of Hygroscopic (Moisture) Expansion, Hygro-Thermo-Elast,ic Constitutive Law, Plane-Stress Constitutive Law of an Orthotropic Material
7 Elasticity Formulations and Solutions of Some Basic Problems: Introduction, The Local Equations of Motion, The Compatibility Relations among the Strain Components, The Strain-Displacement Relations, The Thermo-Elastic Constitutive Law
8 A Single Layer Cylinder
9 A Single Layer Cylinder (continued)
10 Laminated Cylinders, Transfer Matrix Method (TMM)
11 Effective (or Average) Properties of Laminated Cylinder, Equations of Motion in Cartesian Coordinates, Strain-Displacement Relations, Thermo-Elastic Constitutive Law
12 Bending of a Single Layer Lamina, Vibration of a Single Layer Lamina
13 Bending of Long Laminates, Bending of Laminated Composite Beams
14 Lamination Theory: Introduction, Notation, Stress and Moment Resultants
15 Technical Theories of Laminated Plates: Introduction, Laminate Constitutive Relations, The Hygro-Thermo-Elastic Constitutive Relations for Laminates
16 Quasi-Isotropic Laminates, Special Laminates, An Example (Stresses Due to Nx Loading)
17 Some Basic Concepts from Calculus of Variations, Principle of Minimum Total Potential Energy, Hamilton’s Principle, A First-Order Shear Deformation Plate Theory
18 Bending Problems of Laminated Plates, A Layerwise Laminated Plate Theory
19 Technical Theories of Laminated Beams: Introduction, A First-Order Shear Deformation Laminated Beam Theory, A Layerwise Laminated Beam Theory
20 Laminated Composite Shells: Introduction, Strain-Displacement Relations
21 Strain-Displacement Relations in the FSDST, Equilibrium Equations of a Shell, Some Example Shells, Various Shell Theories, Love-Timoshenko-Type FOSDT
22 Failure of composite laminates: Introduction, Failure Mechanisms
23 Macroscopic Failure Theories, Maximum Stress Theory, Solution of an Example
24 Tsai–Wu Failure Theory, Solution of an Example
25 Micromechanics: Introduction, Effective Properties
26 Effective Axial Modulus, Effective Axial Poisson's Ratio Effective, Transverse Modulus
27 Effective Axial Shear Modulus, Degree of Orthotropy Strength of a Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Lamina
28 Analysis of a Discontinuously Reinforced Lamina, Summary for Strength of Materials Approaches