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Item Counts: 55

Interlayer stress analysis of adhesively bonded composite joints using multi-term extended kantorovich method

Mohsen Shayesteh zeraati
M.Sc. | 2025-02-18

Investigating the effect of modified leather on physical-mechanical properties of polyester resin

Ali Radmard
M.Sc. | 2024-12-18

Experimental investigation of the effect of leather processing on the physical-mechanical properties of polyvinyl chloride (pvc) composites

Mohammad rasoul Mirzaei
M.Sc. | 2024-09-21

Flexo-electric/magnetic effect on size-dependent stability of magnetoelectric micro-nanostructures

Hamed Momeni-khabisi
Ph.D | 2024-08-22

Numerical simulation of crack propagation in dental restoration

Saleh Farsi
M.Sc. | 2024-05-27

Investigating the behavior of silicon/methanol composite soft actuator and the effect of carbon nanotube addition

Amirhosein Nasirpour
M.Sc. | 2024-04-29

Exploiting piezoelectric actuation to enhance the sensitivity of high-order mode-localized mass sensor

Hossein ali Alam hakakan
M.Sc. | 2024-02-14

Increasing the power scavenged by a piezoelectric energy harvester hiring a magnetic bistable mechanism

Yasaman Ghalami
M.Sc. | 2023-09-30

Numerical simulation of dynamic insertion and fixation of hip prosthesis

Amir mohammad Gholinezhad
M.Sc. | 2023-05-01

Determination of mechanical properties of lattice structures using asymptotic homogenization method

Golnaz Ghaffari
M.Sc. | 2023-02-26

Parameter identification, process optimization, and laboratory production of precipitated calcium carbonate

Mohammad Zohoor
M.Sc. | 2023-02-06

Hyperelastic characterization of brain white matter constituents under combined compression-tension

Mahdi Ziaee moghaddam
M.Sc. | 2022-12-26

Mechanical and physical characterization of a mushroom biocomposite material based on lignocellulosic pulm wastes

Amirreza Kaffash
M.Sc. | 2022-04-25

Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of damage due to lateral impact on the buckling load from axially compressed in composite cylinders

Hamidreza Sharei
M.Sc. | 2021-11-10

Optimal design of fg and biodegradable orthopedic plates for internal fixation of tibial fracture using the mechanobiology of bone healing algorithms

Yousof Mohandes
Ph.D | 2021-04-12

Multiscale static analysis of polymer matrix composites using the progressive damage approach

Ehsan Neman
M.Sc. | 2020-10-19

Investigation of osteoporotic bone remodelling around orthopaedic screws

Sadegh Farsi
M.Sc. | 2020-09-21

Analysis of nonlinear dynamics and chaos in cnt and graphene-based mass sensors using the nonlocal strain gradient model

Massoud Mir
Ph.D | 2020-05-16

Introducing a mechanism with rotating and translating plates as a breakwater and energy harvester

Marjan Noroozi
M.Sc. | 2020-04-08

Size-dependent pull-in instability analysis of micro-cantilevers immersed in liquid electrolytes under the effect of mechanical shock

Seyed mohammad Mousavian kheyrabadi
M.Sc. | 2019-12-07

Numerical analysis of lag plate in fixation of tibia fracture

Atiyeh Hosseinifakhr
M.Sc. | 2019-09-04

Effect of rampdown region on the mechanical strength and failure of foam sandwich panel with composite faces

Hamid Babaee kashani
M.Sc. | 2019-07-17

Analytical analysis of adhesively bonded composite cylindrical joints using layerwise theory

Mahmood Maroofi
M.Sc. | 2018-12-10

Investigation on the properties of nanotubes, graphene and polymer nanocomposites using asymptotic homogenization method and modified couple stress theory

Sobhan Safarian
Ph.D | 2018-04-26

Analysis of bird strike to aluminum and composite reinforced aluminum shell panels using sph-fe in ls-dyna

Meshkat Salehi tabar
M.Sc. | 2017-12-10

Pull-in instability analysis of micro-bridge gyroscopes with proof mass in the middle based on the modified couple stress theory

Mohammad ali Mokhtari amir majdi
M.Sc. | 2017-09-20

Nonlinear analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric energy harvester with magnetic oscillator

Mahdi Derayati far
M.Sc. | 2017-05-10

Optimization of water and wastewater manholes made of composite smc

Meysam Karimian eghbal
M.Sc. | 2017-02-15

Nonlinear static and vibrational analysis of carbon nanotubes with stone-wales defects in different temperature conditions

Mina Kamali-moghaddam
M.Sc. | 2016-12-12

Nonlinear analysis of thin micro-plates based on the modified couple stress theory

Amir reza Askari
Ph.D | 2016-09-14

Numerical investigation of tool speed effect on residual stress, fracture toughness and fatigue crack propagation in friction stir welded al 2024-t351

Ali Rastegar mohammad abadi
M.Sc. | 2016-01-26

Effect of resin pocket area on the mechanical strength and crack propagation of tapered sandwich composites

Milad Soleymani
M.Sc. | 2016-01-26

Free vibration and static bending of fgm microplate with considering von karman nonlinearity and using modified couple-stress theory and gdq method

Vahid Davarian
M.Sc. | 2016-01-24

Study on nonlinear dynamic pull-in instability of an actuated microbeam due to the electric potential and squeeze-film damping phenomenon using gdq

Emran Khoshrouye ghiasi
M.Sc. | 2015-09-22

Analysis of the behavior of the electrostatically actuated micro-plate with rectangular shape in presence of the casimir force considering the temperature effect

Arman Mohsenzadeh
M.Sc. | 2015-09-21

Analysis of dynamic pull-in in micro-electro-mechanical beams with air pressure effect consideration using gdq

Hamid Ghazanfar
M.Sc. | 2015-02-10

Design & optimization of hadaf light sport aircraft flight control system based on handling quality standard mil-std 1797

Mohammad Arhami
M.Sc. | 2015-01-30

Analysis of thermoelastic damping in micro beams using analytical method

Ehsan Kazemnia
M.Sc. | 2014-10-07

Termoelastic damping in a mems based on green-naghdi theory using a finite element analysis

Mehdi Rezazadeh
M.Sc. | 2014-03-12

Study of nanomechanical behavior of dna molecule under tensile loads

Ph.D | 2014-02-09

Analysing & modeling of a new multi-compartment engine mount with cooling capacity

Ali Mehrkish
M.Sc. | 2013-09-28

Nonlinear analysis of conical composite panels with piezoelectric patsh under magnetic, electric, thermal and mechanical loadings

Sattar Maleki
Ph.D | 2013-08-12

Edge effect analysis of laminated plates and shells with general boundary conditions and lay-ups

Atieh Andakhshideh
Ph.D | 2013-08-12

Transient analysis of fgm shells under thermomechanical loadings and their application in laminated vessels subjected to fire

Ehsan Selahi
Ph.D | 2013-05-15

Instability analysis of carbon nanotubes conveying fluid by gdq method

Mojtaba Najafzade
M.Sc. | 2013-02-12

Analysis of electro-active polymeric actuators using dq method

Vahidreza Alizadeh
M.Sc. | 2013-02-06

Analysis and optimization of adhesive composite pipe joints using numerical method and comparision with experimental results

Peyman Varshovi jaghargh
M.Sc. | 2013-02-03

Investigating the effect of van der waals force on the dynamic response of fully clamped nano/microbeams under step input voltages

Amir reza Askari
M.Sc. | 2013-01-19

Study of mechanical properties and dynamic behavior of carbon nanotubes under thermomechanical loadings

Taha Talebian
Ph.D | 2012-09-20

Analytical solution for orthotropic laminated shells with general boundary condition under mechanical, thermal and electrical loading

Seyedali Maghami
M.Sc. | 2012-09-20

Analytical solution to the adhesively bonded composite joints using layerwise theory

Seyed abdolmajid Yousefsani
M.Sc. | 2012-09-20

Finite element analysis of orthopedics screws considering bone remodeling

Behnoud Haghighi
M.Sc. | 2012-09-19

Static and dynamic analysis of thick sector plates using an analytical method

Seyed mahmoud Mousavi
M.Sc. | 2011-06-26

Static analysis of piezolaminated plates with arbitrary boundary conditions

Peyman Yazdanpanah moghadam
M.Sc. | 2010-12-13

Thermoelastic transient analysis of fgm cylinders using an analytical method

Ali Safari kahnaki
M.Sc. | 2010-09-14